This week at school….
This week has been full of Lions, Unicorns, planes, pilots and lots lots more! Please checkout the class updates for more information.
We are all looking forward to the Harvest Festival celebrations next week and seeing all our children’s families at the event on Tuesday. Don’t forget to drop off your Harvest Donations to the school offices. They all are taken to the Food Bank in Cromer to benefit all our local families.
PE Changes – Due to the Harvest Festival taking place on 17th October, Whoville’s PE day will be changed to Monday 16th instead and Wonderlands will be changed to Wednesday 18th.
School Money Issues Update: We have received confirmation from school money that they have updated the app to resolve the issues with iOS17, any parents that were affected will need to ensure their apple device has performed the update via the App Store before proceeding.
MIJS Parent and Carer Feedback Survey: Your feedback matters: ‘You talk… we listen’ – We value your input and believe that your feedback is instrumental in shaping the future of our schools. Your opinions and insights are essential to us, and we want to hear what you have to say. Please return the completed survey by Wednesday 18th October 2023
Hilltop Residential Trip (Yr4) – Your next instalment is due today, please login and make your payment via school money.
Term Dates: Our last day of term is Thursday 19 October. There is no school on Friday. We return back on Monday 30 October. The term calendar is available on the website.
Weekly activities:
For all clubs please contact school office to book a place
Tuesday: Free after school club – MJS Football
Thursday : Free after school clubs Archery – Yr 1&2/MJS Gymnastics
Friday : Swimming for Year 6 Friday 15 September until Friday 3 November