Seacole Class update

We have been busy this week with our topic work on Navigating Norfolk. Seacole class researched the different types of windmill/windpump/watermill in Norfolk and Mundesley then created our own printing tiles to create Pop Art inspired prints. We then worked in teams to create and test water wheels. In English, we have written our own non-chronological reports on the journey of a river using our wealth of knowledge from geography, science and English. In maths, our focus has been on angles (right angles, acute, obtuse and reflex) where we have been spotting and comparing different types of angle.

HELP NEEDED: if you or someone you know is keen on sewing, Year 3/4 are looking for help on Monday 5th June pm and Tuesday 6th June am to work with the children on basic hand stitching – please contact your class teacher or the school office. We are also showcasing work on Field to Fork in the same week and require your child to wear a pair of sunglasses and a bright plain or patterned t-shirt – please send into school in a named carrier bag by Thursday 8th June – Thank you! Year 4 parents: the multiplication check is nearly upon us so support your child to practice often through chanting, quizzing, writing them (if your child has a red book from school use that, use the TT Rockstars booklet) or using these websites (whatever works for your child!): TTRockstars Hit the Button URBrainy. Have a great half term break!