Hogwarts Class update

We have had another busy week in Hogwarts Class! In Maths, we are continuing to practise our times tables every morning and have been rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, and 1000. We are continuing to learn about The Battle of Britain and have been using this in English, Reading & Thinking, and Topic. In our English lessons, we have completed writing diary entries about the war, based on the book ‘My Secret War Diary’ by Flossie Albright. We have continued this theme by reading ‘Evacuees – Real Life Stories’. In Topic, we have spent some time learning about Operation Sealion, as well as making a ‘Sea of Poppies’ for our Authentic Outcome, to commemorating those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country in the line of duty. In the photos attached, you will see the display which is currently outside the school office and will be there until Tuesday! The children are currently studying Dance in PE Mrs Grey, as well as ‘Do you have a Pet?’. Hogwarts Class will be swimming now, until Friday 12th January. We are really looking forward to our trip to the Library on Tuesday and parents coming in on Friday to have a look at all the brilliant work we have been doing!