We have had a lovely week back after half term in Hogwarts Class! This week, our afternoons have focused on PSHE and RE. We have been covering Emotional Heath and Wellbeing, as well as ‘How do Christians explain the suffering in the world?’. In the mornings, we have been counting in decimal numbers, as well as looking at relationships between different numbers and Place Value (using 10’s, 100’s and 1000’s). We are continuing to learn about The Battle of Britain and have been using this in English and Reading & Thinking. In our English lessons, we have started writing diary enteries about the war, based on the book ‘My Secret War Diary’ by Flossie Albright. We have continued this theme by reading ‘The Story of Britain’s Black Airmen’ by K. N. Chimbiri. On Wednesday, our School Council members also went on a trip to the foodbank, to deliver the food donated during our Harvest Festival celebrations.