Head of School update

This week at school….

We have had another really good week.

From Dunkirk to hot air balloons, the Battle of Britain to chasing our tails like puppies – please check out the class updates for all the news and info on what the children have been up to this week – they have been truly amazing learners!

School Notice Boards – Please take a look at our notice boards these are full with lots of information and are updated regularly so be sure to check them out!

Census Dinner – This term’s census theme is ‘Brunch for Lunch’ which is taking place on Thursday 5th October 2023. The funding our school receives is based upon census returns that we have to complete each term, with particular emphasis on the uptake of school dinners. In order to help us to do the best for your children we are asking for your support. Please log onto school money and place your order.

Individual & Sibling Photos – Get your smiles at the ready! – Tempest will be returning to MIJS on Monday 25th September to take Individual and Sibling photos. If you have any questions or do not wish for your childs photo to be taken please contact the school office.

School Uniform – Our next order will be placed on Friday 6th October. Please log in to school money to place your order before this date.

PTFA Halloween Glow Party – TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW! Check out the school notice board for further information regarding this event, tickets can be purchased via school money.

Isle of Wight Residential Trip (Yr6) – Please ensure you give complete the form here: https://forms.gle/uFmC5TkyGq4ZGWwx8 to confirm if your child will be attending this trip or not, Deposits must be paid by 30th September 2023, this can be made via school money in the normal way. If you have any questions or think you may qualify for PP please contact the school office.

Hilltop Residential Trip (Yr4) – Your next instalment is due today, please login and make your payment via school money.

Last day of term:  Whilst it may seem early, please note that the last day of this term is Thursday 19 October.  The term calendar is available on the website.


For all clubs please contact school office to book a place

Tuesday:  Free after school club – MJS Football 

Thursday  : Free after school clubs Archery – Yr 1&2/MJS Gymnastics

Friday  :  Swimming for Year 6 Friday 15 September until Friday 3 November