The Joy Of Not Knowing

"The Joy of Not Knowing (JONK) is a values-led philosophy of education and of school leadership that removes barriers and worries associated with not knowing or with finding things difficult by creating a learning to learn culture and ethos in schools where everyone perceives that anything and everything is possible."

At MIJS we want our children to be curious, creative, collaborative, reflective, resourceful and resilient. We want our children to be able to analyse the world around them and contribute positively to society. We want our children to be able to analyse the world around them and contribute positively to society.

"The Joy of Not Knowing approach focuses explicitly on teaching children the value and importance of realising that in order to learn something new they must not know it first, and on then setting up a whole school infrastructure that equips learners with all the values, dispositions, skills and strategies that enables them to develop an intrinsic motivation and enthusiasm to want to learn, evolving as successful individuals, lifelong learners and global citizens with a deep and lifelong love of learning."





